The Perfect Makeup Bag - Makeup Box

Don't believe in anything being perfect, except for my makeup bag. It took years to make it that way, and now you needI never leave home without it. Ever. your makeup bag has in it everything you might need when you are not at home-not only for retouching the face, but for accidents and emergencies of various sorts. The bag itself is made of plastic or leather and is only six inches by three or four inches (it can even be a little smaller, depending on the style you like). A bag this size fits into almost every purse you have, the exception being a tiny evening bag. When you use the evening bags, you always carry the regular makeup bag in the car so that you have everything you need not too far away. As far as what goes into the bag-the following list contains everything in it. You are the best judge of what you need. If something listed just doesn't fit your needs, leave it out-there is no sense putting something in your bag you will never use? Make a mental note to clean out your bag once a month, making sure to throwaway any makeup that is no longer fresh and anything you really don't use. It's better to throwaway something unclean that may contain bacteria than to use it on your skin. So, here is the perfect makeup bag: * Tiny comb * Mirror * Compact of translucent powder: You can use this pressed powder with the puff it comes with or with a brush. Usually these compacts have a piece of plastic on top of the powder. Don't throw it away. It is there to protect the powder and to separate it from the puff. If the puff that comes with the compact is not made of rubber, buy yourself a tiny rubber one that you can wash easily. Check the mirror. If it is a good one that does not distort your face, then you won't need the other mirror listed above. One is enough. * Cream blush * Foundation * Moisturizer: Even though it does you no good to put moisturizer on when you already have foundation on your skin, it is a good idea to keep some with you for days when you aren't wearing foundation and your skin will need moisture. It's also great for moisturizing dry hands, and for any other moments when you will need it (it's easier to have it in the bag than to try to remember to put it there on days when you know you will want it). Keep the moisturizer in a tiny plastic container well sealed. Again, try to pick up a sample size that is small enough to carry around in your bag. * Lipstick pencil: This is for outlining your lips. * Lipstick brush: Just in case I want to use tube lipstick. * Lipstick in a wand: Usually clear or a colored gloss (if you prefer petroleum jelly, carry a small tube). * Powder blush: This is crucial so you can always touch up with color. Remember, use the cream in the morning and touch up during the day with powder. Also remember that you can put some over your eyebrows, on your chin, the tip of your nose, and on your neck for an added glow. * Blush brush: * Eye shadow: A light shade is wonderful to open up the eyes. * Mascara * Eyebrow pencil: This pencil is great for touching up your eyebrows and is terrific for drawing a line in your lower lid, in the corners of your eyes, and for touching up your eye liner. Always buy the kind with a self-sharpening top. * Eye pencil: Use this to touch up your eye liner above and below the eye. This is the soft kind you can smudge. * Astringent: Use it to clean up oil that has accumulated on my nose, my forehead and my chin. * Manicure scissors: For cutting anything. * Tweezers: For tweezing anything. * Vitamin E stick: This looks like a lipstick in a tube and is a wonderful moisturizer for your lips. You can also put it under your eyes if you are not wearing any foundation or concealed. * Child-size toothbrush: This is the most inexpensive and accessible eyebrow brush and eyelash separator you can find. * Ponytail rubber bands (covered): * Threads: In your drugstore, pick up a matchbook or other small case with needles and threads in it. * Band-Aid: I carry just one for emergencies. * Atomizer of perfume: This is wonderful for a pick-me-up of scent. * Saline solution: A small bottle of commercial saline solution does wonders for tired eyes at any time of the day. It soothes safely, and makes your eyes sparkle. That's it. It may sound like a lot of things, but gather them around, put them into that little bag, and you'll be delighted and surprised at how easily they fit and how efficiently the whole com-bination of items works. And watch-next time someone mentions they need something and you have it, I bet you'll smile with great satisfaction.