hear some tips that readers have been sharing from their personal experience. Add yours today! Do's -Make your legs look longer with miniskirts. -- Angela - Wearing eyeshadows in purple and green does NOT look good. Wear makeup within your natural tones or a few shades off. -- Naturally - The best trend is no trend! Who cares what's in the magazines and on TV? If you like what you wear and you wear it with a smile, you will set the trend! People will think you look great and go to you for fashion trends. Be spontaneous and always try something new. Good luck! -- Jeniqua Smithers -When your wearing a tight shirt, wear loose pants, and when wearing loose pants, wear a tight shirt. Loose with loose makes you look sloppy, and tight on tight makes you look kinda trashy. -- Traci -I think when you wear jeans, you should wear a cool shirt that makes ordinary jeans look good. You can also play up jeans with a good looking pair of shoes. -- Classic - Make sure that each time you buy a new bra, you see a fit specialist at a lingerie store or the lingerie department at a major department store. Wearing the right fitting bra makes you look great and feel much more comfortable. -- Anonymous - If you have blue eyes wear blue often to accentuate your eyes.-- Angela -Always put on nail-polish; it looks great. But you must keep in mind that the nail polish should match the colour of the clothes that you are wearing so that you don't look weird. -- Fashion Princess - Something totally cool right now, especially for teens, is hair dye. Bright un-natural colors like pink or blue look great. This style is especially good for people with short hair.Make sure you try it temporary first to make sure it will look good! -- Jes -Hey guys, you can make a great body spray by mixing your favorite perfume with some water and some sparkly mini glitter jewels! Go ahead and try it. -- Amanda -For a nice casual look this fall in the pre-teen to teen section, just try some loose flare jeans with a tight fitted top. They look great together and compliment curves. -- Princess -Embellish and accessorize the outerwear and sweaters that you already own for creativity and replacement savings. A faux fur collar and cuffs attached to last year's wool coat makes a new look and is economical too. Bead a sweater neckline, or add some decorative trims (gold coins, feathers, one-of-a kind buttons, leather strips etc.) around the bottom of your pant legs or copy tuxedo style striping up the side seams using metallic trims, or even the beading that matches your sweater, to add sparkle and fresh style. - Sewmadly -All the best dressed know that when wearing animal prints less is more! Please do not dress in animal prints from head to toe!!!The best dressed and stylish are wearing only one print and adding a dramatic flair by doing so. My favorite is wearing animal print accessories such as a wonderful animal print scarf, or even some fab shoes! Just remember less is more and you will never go wrong. - TD Higg - If you are small chested you can still wear tops that are bare on top,they'll accentuate your neck and shoulders. - Angela -If you're wearing tight pants, wear thong underwear or a G-string. If you're wearing tight white (or light colored) pants, ONLY wear nude underwear. NO OTHER COLORS! White underwear will glow under artificial lights, and dark underwear will be visible from a block away! - Makeup Princess -What looks really good is a dark pare of mudd jeans and a bright yellow shirt or a light blue shirt it looks so kool!!! --Natasha -Ever try to stay "in" with fashion and find that by the time you find the designer look-a-like is already on its way out? Stick to basics! You can't go wrong, they never are on their way out and you can wear them with anything. Sure you can buy a Crocodile skirt here or a bare back tank there but don't go over board on trends because by the time you wake up the next morning that out fit you just bought the day before will be faux pas! -- Courtney -Always keep looking in the magazines,the trends, and then go to your designer to make it real. - Natalia -As for no pantyhose/stockings with open-toed shoes, my boyfriend PLEADS with me to show off my stockinged feet. -- Jeanna -I wear tye~dye shirts all the time! if there are other people out there who are fans of bright colored tie~dye shirts by brands like liquidblue, then rock on! If you are making an educated fashion decision, and you like what you are wearing, thats great, but if you are making an uneducated decision, that's different! I also think that tennis shoes looks great with short dresses sometimes! You just need to look at the outfit and decide for yourself! There are exceptions to everything! -- Groovy Chic -Go with what you feel comfortable in. Just don't go with what everyone else has on. Go with what you like. - Sissy -If you wear a black skirt or dress and black shoes, wear black stockings. It is lengthening, slimming and sexy. -- Wate -The look for this season is basically structured with straight-slim silhouettes. Lilac, burgundy, tomato red, bright colors form the basic colours in vogue. Transparency still dominates the trend. Tubes, sequins, beads, ornate the embroidery length of Indian Kutra's further diminishing with shorter ones in vogue. - Preeti Jhawar -I like classic, smooth, understated. For this, one color or monochromatic garb works best. But you have to know which color flatters your skin & hair. Medium to dark hues are more slimming in general. Nice, drapey materials look and feel good. Slim cuts are tres cool because you don't have so many lines broken up- for instance, a jacket over pants in a blue that flatters you. Check the shoulders so it hangs well, stops at hips or below, and make sure the pants are long enough. Poof- a classic.- Suze - If you have long hair and crochet, make yourself some scrunchies to make your outfits and wear your hair up. You could also decorate combs or barrettes - Natima -Always wear a size smaller than your actual size - Destiny - Golden rule of fashion (unless you are Audrey Hepburn in Funnyface) If you're wearing black pants wear black socks -ALWAYS! - Pamela -Tie dye or embroider something right now. Take the stuff you do not wear and see what else you can do with it- for instance, make flood pants out of ones that have a nowhere length. Make a skirt out of jeans. Put silk ribbon embroidery on a sweater or blouse. Get fabric paint and write poetry all over a t-shirt or scarf. -- Suze - When you buy an everyday item, try to think of at least three things you already own that you can wear with that item. - Anonymous - If you are wearing a white shirt, please wear a bra close to your skin color. - Anonymous - Always wear your size. Clothes that are too small really do not look good. - Anonymous -If you are going to wear tight pants or shorts then wear a thong that way you can not see you panty line or just don't wear any. - Amy - Sew it. If you can't sew, have someone else sew it. Then you have an ORIGINAL. You won't see yourself coming and going. Every season; or at least summer and winter; have a new wardrobe (2 to 5 or more pieces -- at least one bottom which would be a skirt or pants (or both) and a jacket (if your lifestyle demands it) and then blouses/tops to coordinate) made up by your seamstress and then keep adding from there continuously building to your wardrobe depending on your career and your wardrobe requirements. But then you are not dependent on whatever "current" color is available out in the stores and if you don't look good in it or you hate it, you are stuck. You can choose WHATEVER you like and pick the EXACT shade, tone and hue of that teal or red. - Anonymous -Flares are so popular right now, wear them with a black t-shirt and don't wear very tight stuff if you're not thin. Tight pants are also in style and curling your hair is so popular, celebrities are using it. Give your self a new look, be creative. Being a blond now is so cool, when I dyed my hair blonde, I became so poplar even if I'm Chinese. -- Angel - DO wear bras your size! For some unfortunate reason, alot of women wear bras with cups far too small, giving them the infamous quadruple boob syndrome. IT LOOKS AWFUL!