hear are some tips

Don'ts -For the plus size women don't wear tapered leg jeans in very light colors -- go for bootleg or flare styles they are guaranteed to slim you down at least 10 pounds. If you don't like jeans try boot or flare leg stretch pants, also. Very slimming. -- Sabrina - ABSOLUTELY NEVER wear platform sandals! They are sooo over, and they've been over since, like, forever. But if you really really have to, then DO NOT ever, ever wear them with pants! -- Whitney - Never wear white socks. It's that simple. -- Glamgirl -When you walk in high heels ,don't walk on the heel; it makes you seem like you walk in them everyday.-- Nae -Even if the look is really in style, don't wear it if it doesn't match! I'm telling you all this because lately I have seen the worst outfits in Seventeen and YM (Like a blue animal print top with a pink skirt and a leather vest) NO WAY!!- Skye - In the "No You Didn't" catagory, please ladies do not wear clothes that don't fit..what is that wear one size smaller than you are thing? It is not stylish or classy to look trashy and flabby! No you didn't! -- Fluffy Fernandez - If you have dark skin color, don't wear light lipstick, wear some kind of purple, brown or red.-- Angel -Bra straps showing are tacky unless you are trying to re-live the "material girl look". -- Martha -Never wear pantyhose that are lighter than your natural skin color. They make your legs look fatter, and the color is just plain bad. Stick to sheer shades that match your skin, or funky patterns and bright colors. But NO WHITE! -- Makeup Princess -Don't wear different tone blue jean clothes together. -- Synthia .-FORGET TYE-DYE T-SHIRTS! How many more people need to walk around looking like wanna be "dead heads"? The reason I feel that tye-dye t-shirts are outdated is because : 1.) just about everyone has one, so you are completely unoriginal, and 2.) they were created in accordance with a lifestyle that was synonymous with rebellion...unless you walk around chanting "Hell no, we won't go", or spend your day "expanding your mind", society isn't giving you a reason to rebel. So please, throw them to the back of your closet. -- Vanessa - Never, ever, wear pantyhose with open toe sandals, huge faux pas. - Anonymous - Never wear black pantyhose with white shoes. - Anonymous - No knee-high hose with skirts - Anonymous - Don't wear tennis shoes with a dress and pantyhose to and from work. If you absolutely can't survive in heels, then carry your shoes and walk in stocking feet. That looks better then tennis shoes. -- Chelsea Shaw - Although shirts with no backs or strings across the back are n vogue right now, one should not wear them unless you are very thin and have a toned back. Far too many girls who are perfectly normal wear these shirts and it makes them look lumpy and overweight. -- flytychyld - Despite what magazines might say, MOST PEOPLE LOOK UNNATURAL WITH BLONDE HIGHLIGHTS! If you have light hair already, then fine, but people with dark hair should opt for a more suitable shade for their coloring. I suggest red. People with dark skin and fake blonde hair look strange. Also, if you must wear a thick coat of foundation on your face, PICK ONE CLOSE TO YOUR SKIN TONE AND BLEND IT IN!!! It looks awful when your neck and chin are two different colours.-- Margaret